Forethought: Last Paintings of Nature
with Swivel Gallery
Photography by Cary Whittier
November 12th - December 11th 2022
Swivel Saugerties is proud to present Saúl Acevedo Gómez’s first solo exhibition, Forethought: Last Paintings Of Nature, on view in the Safe Room from November 12th through December 11th, 2022 featuring a suite of Gómez’s new drawings and a site-specific installation. The exhibition’s title derives from Magritte’s 1943 painting, Forethought, which features a multitude of flowers blooming out of a small tree in a vast landscape. The word means, “careful consideration of what will be necessary or may happen in the future.” Acevedo’s work lives in a vacuum of imagination and rumination, where often stark interiors are meticulously rendered in colored pencil that feature recurring shape-shifting objects, characters from pop culture, taunting phrases, and strange trees that warp and twist in abnormal fashions that culminate in brimming compositions.