Homework: Human vs Nature, Thinking vs Thinking, Stories vs Memories

"Homework: Human vs. Nature, Thinking vs. Thinking, Stories vs. Memories" is a series of artworks that delve into the complex relationship between humanity and nature, the interplay between thoughts and beliefs, and the role that stories and memories play in shaping our perceptions of the world. This series of works is a thought-provoking examination of how we interact with our environment, how our thoughts and beliefs are shaped and changed by different experiences, and how our memories and stories influence how we understand and make sense of the world around us. I invite the viewer to consider how we navigate the ever-evolving relationship between humanity and nature, reconcile conflicting thoughts and beliefs, and how our stories and memories shape our perspectives. With its thought-provoking themes and evocative imagery, "Homework" invites viewers to reflect on the complex and multifaceted nature of our existence and question how we interact with the world around us.

This series is in work, please contact me to obtain any information on available works.


A Beginning to Spirituality


Forethought: Last Paintings of Nature