
Is an extract from the series “Homework.” Urgencies is a thought-provoking series of artworks that explores the actions we take when we perceive our responsibilities, passions, goals, and priorities as urgent and necessary for personal growth and positive change in our own lives and the lives of others. I invite the viewer to reflect on the importance of acting with urgency in order to fulfill our potential and make a difference in the world. The series also highlights the diversity of needs, desires, and motivations that drive us as humans, showcasing a wide range of urgencies such as the pressing need to protect and preserve our natural environment, the pursuit of financial stability and security, the desire for a safe and comfortable home, the drive to succeed in our careers, the longing for peace and tranquility, and the importance of maintaining good health. Through these diverse examples, the artist reminds us that our individual and collective urgencies shape our lives and influence the decisions we make, ultimately shaping the world around us.



